Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Friday 18 October 2013

Volunteer Work

16th October 2013

Today I did some work with Green Gym and some of the girls from the University of Gloucestershire Biology Society. We worked on clearing an allotment of over grown vegetation and rubbish. We are hoping to be able to get the allotment up and running growing vegetables and install some bird boxes, feeders and bee hives that can be used to monitor the wildlife.

Although the weather started off grim and soggy, the sun decided to come out and it got quite warm!
The gang! Anam, Myself, Jess and Alicia

Some of the wildlife we came across!

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