Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cotwold Wildlife Park

29th October 2013

Today with 2nd year animal behaviour I went to Cotswold wildlife park to look at the behaviour of some of the animals. Our main task was to produce an ethogram. An ethogram is basically a table that categorizes different behaviours that are observed by a certain animal/group of animals. I decided to choose the meerkats. They were quite interesting to watch because dogs are allowed on site and there was a dog nearby that kept popping its head up. The meerkats would scurry to their indoor enclosure then as a park return to the last place they had seen a potential threat. It was facinsting to watch!

We then had a talk from one of the rhino keepers which was very interesting. They have 3 adult rhino that arent fully mature yet (8 years old is considered mature) and they also have a baby rhino called Astrid who was conceived naturally. This is unusual because rhino have a female dominated species and with only 1 male in the herd it doesn't normally work. I will upload the notes I took from the talk when I'm at my computer!

After looking at all the animals we didn't have time to actually fill in the ethogram and observe the meerkats for a period of time. However I would quite like to do this in my spare time as I find it so interesting and therapeutic to just sit and observe!

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