Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cotwold Wildlife Park

29th October 2013

Today with 2nd year animal behaviour I went to Cotswold wildlife park to look at the behaviour of some of the animals. Our main task was to produce an ethogram. An ethogram is basically a table that categorizes different behaviours that are observed by a certain animal/group of animals. I decided to choose the meerkats. They were quite interesting to watch because dogs are allowed on site and there was a dog nearby that kept popping its head up. The meerkats would scurry to their indoor enclosure then as a park return to the last place they had seen a potential threat. It was facinsting to watch!

We then had a talk from one of the rhino keepers which was very interesting. They have 3 adult rhino that arent fully mature yet (8 years old is considered mature) and they also have a baby rhino called Astrid who was conceived naturally. This is unusual because rhino have a female dominated species and with only 1 male in the herd it doesn't normally work. I will upload the notes I took from the talk when I'm at my computer!

After looking at all the animals we didn't have time to actually fill in the ethogram and observe the meerkats for a period of time. However I would quite like to do this in my spare time as I find it so interesting and therapeutic to just sit and observe!

Monday 21 October 2013


Everybody meet Rosie,

She's 22 years old and is a thoroughbred cross (although we're not sure what she's crossed with!) She's suffered from laminitis for the past few years so is on restricted grazing and has to wear a muzzle. She has a soft canvas one. A lot of people think they look cruel but honestly it is for her own good because if she eats too much grass it causes her to become lame and she has to be on box rest, which she definitely doesn't like and box walks profusely in protest.
She has recently been diagnosed with Cushing's disease after she lost quite a lot of weight in a short space of time. As Cushing's disease doesn't have a cure she is now on medication that keeps her condition under control (Prascend) She is currently on a small dose as she is a git with tablets, we have to hide the tablet in the middle of an apple! God help us if she finds it! But for now it seems to be working. I went to visit her the weekend just gone and she appears to have put weight on since I last saw her, which is a fantastic sign!

This is a photo taken on Sunday (20th October 2013) And she's definitely put on weight! You can't see her ribs anymore :)

I'm going to track her progress and I'll try let you all know of any updates!

Here's an article I put together during first year with a little bit of information on Laminitis, I hope it's useful!

Laminitis in horses: the cause and effect

 Chloe Dix

                In the recent National Equine Health survey instigated by the animal welfare charity, The Blue Cross, the occurrence of Laminitis was recorded at 4.9%. This is a slight decrease than the usual estimates that are published in Veterinary publications which suggest the figures are nearer 7%.(Slater, 2012) The figures for equine obesity show that 8.6% of the samples were overweight. Following this, World Horse Welfare, stressed the fact that horses are getting fatter and that obesity is classed as one of the biggest welfare issues among the UK equine population.(Butcher, 2009) With this in mind and that obesity is recognised as a trigger factor for laminitis, this could potentially mean that the cases of laminitis will increase.

What is Laminitis?

Figure 1. Characteristic stance of laminitis
              Laminitis is a main cause of death in equines and normally affects those that are overweight. Defined as the inflammation of the sensitive laminae of the horses foot. (Pilliner and Davis, 2004a), it causes lameness and the characteristic stance of leaning backwards to relieve the forefeet of weight (Figure 1). Laminitis can be categorised into two types: acute and chronic. The symptoms of acute laminitis can surface quite often suddenly and can be quite severe. Symptoms of acute laminitis include: inability or reluctance to move, lying down and unwillingness to stand again, visibly lame when moving in a circle, a raised digital pulse and of course, the characteristic stance. With chronic laminitis, symptoms are on-going and usually stem from previous attacks. Symptoms are as follows: the appearance of growth rings around the wall of the hoof, the heel will grow faster than the toe and the white line in the hoof will have widened. Inflammation of the hoof can be shown by five characteristics, heat, pain, swelling, redness and loss of function. (Constable, 2010) Heat in the hoof is displayed by an increase in temperature of the front hoof wall, a change in gait is a sign of pain.  The swelling is not normally seen but occurs underneath the hoof wall.  Like the swelling, the redness is not normally seen however when the feet have been trimmed, a red horn of the foot can indicate previous inflammation. Loss of function as previously mentioned can be indicated by the characteristic leaning back and foot structure itself can be altered. (Constable, 2010) Further details of these symptoms will be provided later.

The Structure of the Hoof

                The old English proverb “No hoof, no horse” highlights just how important the hoof in the mechanical functioning of the horse. They are able to withstand large amounts of force whilst still resisting wear and supporting the horses body weight. Without this ability, the horse would be rendered immobile, with the inability to travel to find lush areas for grazing, mate and escape predators. The hoof can be split into two distinct parts: the external hoof and the internal hoof. The external hoof can be divided further into the wall, sole and frog. The wall is produced by the coronary band and grows down and is made of dense horn. There are two sets of lines that are visible: vertical and rings of alternating ridges and depressions.(Pilliner and Davis, 2004b). The vertical lines run down in the direction of hoof growth which indicates the direction of tubules from the papillae of the coronary band.  In opposition to these, the rings of alternating ridges and depressions run parallell to the coronary band and these indicate the growth rate of the hoof. It is also possible to distinguish if the growth rate has been abnormal from these rings which can suggest laminitis.(Pilliner and Davis, 2004b)
The hoof wall itself consists of three different layers, the first being the periople and stratum tectorium. The periople originates from a rim of soft grey horn at the coronary band, the perioplic cushion and extends roughly three- fourths of an inch below the coronet apart from at the heels. The coronet circles the top of the hoof and identifies where the skin ends and the hoof wall starts and the stratum tectorium, likened to a human fingernail, extends down towards the bottom of the foot. The stratum tectorium is a thin layer of hardened cells that make the periople to appear hard and glossy.(Snellow, 2006). The middle layer is the densest and contains the majority of the wall. The third layer of the wall is the one that is effected during laminitis, the Laminar layer.(Figure 2) This consists of two types of laminae, insensitive and sensitive and these dovetail(Pilliner and Davis, 2004b) to create a strong bond between each other and this connection is made visible by the white line on the underside of the foot. The insensitive laminae comprise of around 600 primary laminae, each with around 100 secondary laminae in it’s surface and this structure bears much of the horses weight.

How is the hoof affected during Laminitis?

                Laminitis is caused by undernourishment of the cells of the laminae from the lack of nutrients in the blood supply. With the reason unknown, blood is actually shunted away from the hoof which explains the bounding pulse of horses suffering from laminitis. This undernourishment leads to inflammation and eventually cell death which weakens the laminae. (Bishop, et al., 2012) With the laminae weakened, this means it is no longer able to maintain the position of the pedal bone and in severe cases, the pedal bone tips down towards the sole of the hoof. Once the weakening and breakdown of the structures begins, the horse begins to experience pain that can be career ending. (Bishop, et al., 2012)

What can increase a horse’s susceptibility to laminitis?

Equine Metabolic Syndrome

                Equine Metabolic Syndrome is a fairly new concept (Johnson, 2002) and it is suggested that obesity, insulin and resistance are all constituents of a clinical syndrome identified in horses and ponies. (N.Frank, et al., 2010) Obesity can arise from the overeating of carbohydrates in feeds or the overgrazing of lush spring pasture without a sufficient amount of exercise to burn off the excess energy. In obese horses or ponies there is an increase of fat in specific locations (regional adiposity) and characteristic of this is a cresty neck, the development of fat pads close to the top of the tail and the accrual of fat behind the shoulder (N.Frank, et al., 2010) However, horses and ponies with EMS seem to have a heightened metabolic efficiency in conjunction with the use of dietary energy. (N.Frank, et al., 2010) With this in mind, it has been suggested that horses and ponies evolved to adapt to survival in environments that are nutritionally sparse. For example, when food was scarce in winter, horses would begin to build up their fat stores during the previous summer which would enable them to survive even the harshest of winters. (Davis, 2009) Now with the modern management conditions under which horses are kept, a plentiful supply of food is availlable all year round meaning that the horses will tend to continue to feed on the nutritional feed and build up fat stores throughout the year.

Insulin resistance

                Insulin resistance is the inability of tissues to respond to insulin appropriately by the reduction in the number of insulin receptors on the cell surface, the failure of insulin receptors themselves and defects in the internal signalling pathways. (Nicholas Frank, 2006) Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas when blood glucose levels rise above the set point to stimulate the absorbtion of glucose by tissues. (Wasserman, 2008) The major sites of glucose uptake via the influence of insulin are skeletal muscles, adipose (fat) tissues and the liver. There are two types of insulin resitance that can occur. The first being the most common in the majority of horses and ponies suffering from Equine Metabolic Syndrome. This is where the pancreas secretes more insulin to compensate for raised blood sugar levels and this helps to move glucose into the tissues (Davis, 2009) however, far too much glucose is taken in to the tissues causing hypoglycaemia. The other type of Insulin Resistance is where the pancreas no longer meets the required demand for insulin so therefore the blood glucose levels remain high thus causing hyperglycaemia. Symptoms of which include glucosuria, where glucose is present in the urine and polyuria which is an increase in the volume of urine produced. (Davis, 2009) It is proposed that insulin resistance increases the susceptibility to laminitis in a couple of ways: (1) it might prevent glucose delivery to hoof keratinocytes, or (2) it could alter the blood flow to the foot. (Nicholas Frank, 2006) In an experiment involving hoof tissue explants deprived of glucose (Pass, et al., 1998), it can be derived that insulin stimulated glucose uptake occurs in the hoof because the hoof tissue explants separated at the dermal-epidermal junction providing evidence for the first theory. (Nicholas Frank, 2006) In horses. There have been no studies to date to confirm the effect of insulin resistance and blood flow in horses, however insulin is known to act as a slow vasodilator in humans so therefore, iinsulin resistance has been linked to a decrease in peripheral vasodilation (Yki-Jarvinen & Westerbacka, 2000) thus affecting blood flow to the hoof.

The Trigger factors

Carbohydrate overload and excessive fructan intake

                  This normally occurs through the overeating of lush grass rich in fructans or grain high in starch.(MRVCS, 2012) Fructans consist of chains of fructose molecules and these are present in the lower parts of grass so therefore highly grazed paddocks are higher in fructans. The levels of fructans and sucrose can fluctuate daily due to environmental elements such as sunlight intensity, temperature, water availability, and soil fertility. The occurrence of frost overnight during the winter can also increase the levels of fructans in the grass as growth of the grass slows. (Davis, 2009) After the horse has ingested the grass containing fructans, they pass to the foregut of the horse where they are unable to be digested it then follows that they pass to the hindgut undigested and rapidly ferment which alters the microbial populations living in the gut due to the production of lactic acidosis which destroys the environment within the hindgut causing the death of the micro-organisms.(Ltd, 2000-2011) This disruption to the environment of the gut causes an increase in acidity which then leads to the permeability of the intestinal wall resulting in endotoxaemia as a result of endotoxins, exotoxins and vasoactive amines flooding the horse’s system and it has been suggested that this prompts an inflammatory response. (Davis, 2009)


                Laminitis can occur due to the onset of toxaemia from a number of causes. Causes include: the retention of the placenta after the birth of a foal, the delay in treatment of a mastitis with antibiotics, poisoning, for example ingestion of acorns as this causes impaction an may cause bowel toxaemia as there is a delay in ingesta transport time (Duncanson, 2010), colic and diarrhoea. The cause of the retention of the placenta is currently unknown but the condition is usually related to abortion, infection, shortened or lengthened gestation periods and uterine atony. (Robert O.Gilbert, 2011) Whilst endotoxaemia hasn’t been proven to be a direct cause of laminitis, for example administration of endotoxins during experiments have failed to induce the disease (Tadros, et al., 2012), endotoxaemia may expose the laminar tissue to damage by other mediators during an inflammatory response. (Tadros, et al., 2012)

Roadwork and excessive concussion to the feet

                Concussion laminitis is commonly recognised as a mechanical or traumatic laminitis. (Hamilton-Fletcher, 2004) Excessive concussion to the feet can be caused by large amounts of trotting , cantering or galloping on hard or uneven surfaces such as during hot summer days when fields have dried out in the sun. Possible effects of excessive concussion are: tearing of the laminae which then contributes to constricted capillaries within the feet of the horse leading to reduced perfusion, inflammation of the foot and eventually, structural collapse. (Hamilton-Fletcher, 2004)

Corticosteroids as a trigger for laminitis

                Corticosteroids are mainly used as anti-inflammatory drugs and can be split into two types of steroid hormones; mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. (Leland Thompson, 2011) Mineralocorticoids are mainly involved in regulating the levels of electrolytes and the regulation of water balance by their effect on ion transport within the epithelial cells of the intestines which leads to the maintenance of sodium ions and the loss of potassium ions. (Company, 2004) Another type, glucocorticoids, allows the release of amino acids from muscles, enables skeletal muscles to maintain contractions and prevent fatigue and allows fatty acids to be transferred from fat stores. (Mosby, 2009) The mechanism in which corticosteroids induce laminitis is so far still unknown (Constable, 2010) so more research is needed to determine to exact mechanism.

Clinical signs of Laminitis

Apart from the characteristic leaning stance of laminitis, one of the clinical signs is an increased digital pulse which allows you to feel pulsing of the arteries that run down the leg. The digital pulse can be located just above the fetlock and on either side of the back pastern. This increase in pulsation occurs due to a decrease in diastolic pressure which can transpire from inflamed blood vessels as they dilate so more blood leaves the arteries of the feet. Also arterio-venous shunts divert blood straight from the artery to the vein so blood therefore avoids the capillary bed of the foot. As a result of these shunts, blood is moved quickly from the arteries supplying the hoof, thus lowering diastolic pressure. (Constable, 2010) An increase in hoof temperature should perhaps be taken with a pinch of salt on its own, as it could be a result of increased blood flow to the hoof however, it has been suggested that horses have an intermittent blood supply to their legs, so blood isn’t flowing all the time, it happens in bursts. (Constable, 2010) If you happen to feel the hoof during one of these ‘bursts’ the foot may feel slightly warmer than normal.
                Lameness is also an obvious characteristic of laminitis and levels of severity can be identified by the Obel Grading. (Constable, 2010) Grade 0 is where the horse is sound in walk and trot on a straight line on a hard surface, Grade 1, at rest the horse shifts its weight from foot to foot but is sound in walk and at trot the gait is stilted. At grade 2 the horse walks stiffly and the gait is stilted in trot on a hard surface and the horse will find it hard to turn and at grade 3 the horse is reluctant to move on any surface and it is hard to pick up its foot. Grade 4 is the most severe and the horse won’t move of its own accord and if forced is very unwilling to move from a soft ground to a hard ground and it is almost impossible to pick up the foot. (Ltd, 2012)
                The clinical signs of chronic laminitis are often less reliable and are more often accompanied by signs of acute laminitis (as mentioned previously) and include alterations in hoof growth, external indicators of sinkage, widened white line and variability in lameness, as distinguished by the Obel Grading system. (Constable, 2010)

Treatment of Laminitis

                When treating any type of laminitis (chronic or acute) the owner should endeavour to remove any suspected cause of the case for example, removing the horse from the grass if it is suspected to have been caused by carbohydrate overload or excessive fructan intake. (Practice, 2009) When treating acute laminitis a number of areas should be addressed. Movement of the horse or pony should be restricted, this can be achieved by box rest as it allows the prevention of any unnecessary movement that would be otherwise painful to the equine. (Constable, 2010) Along with box rest, a deep, thick bed should be offered to reduce concussion to the feet but also, if the animal decides to lie down, will reduce any damage to other parts of its body such as the hocks. A many cases of laminitis are induced due to weight problems and over load of carbohydrates, the horse or pony should be fed a low calorie diet to control the weight but also, a horse on box rest requires less energy. Soaking of hay is often used to reduce the number of water soluble carbohydrates present in the hay (K. Martinson, et al., 2012) which reduces the intake of carbohydrates by the horse.
To prevent pedal bone rotation by reducing the tension in the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and reduce pressure on the sole frog support is often useful and can be in the form of bandages, Styrofoam pads and hoof putty. (Constable, 2010) Anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed by a veterinarian however these are non-steroidal and their role is to reduce inflammation and control pain. There are two types that are used: phenylbutazone (commonly known as bute) and flunixin. Flunixin is used to protect against the cardiovascular results of endotoxaemia by preventing blood vessel dilation (Constable, 2010) but is also known to be used for the treatment of toxic shock. (Foster & Smith, 2010) To improve blood flow to the hoof, vasodilators can be administered to widen the blood vessels. The most commonly used is ACP and its sedative qualities are useful in reducing movement and increasing the blood flow to the hoof however, blood flow to the laminae remains unaltered. (Rendle, 2006)
When treating chronic laminitis what works for one horse may not necessarily work for another. (Constable, 2010) The diagnosis of chronic laminitis is normally done by x-rays to reveal the position of the pedal bone and treatment is carried out by corrective farriery.

Prognosis and Management

                It is often difficult to make a prognosis as Laminitis is an unpredictable condition however careful management can prevent it. Prevention is mainly driven by monitoring feeding such as restricted pasture, by strip grazing or a grazing muzzle, limited turn out time and daily exercise of obese equines. (Practice, 2009). Once diagnosed, Laminitis is a lifelong condition that cannot be cured only managed carefully for the rest of the horses life. 


Bishop, C., Pagan, J.D., Crandell, K., Lawrence L., Huntington P. & Gardner S., 2012. The Latest on Laminitis. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 10 2012].
Butcher, A., 2009. Horse and Hound - News. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 6 10 2012].
Clinic, M. E., 2012. My Equine Clinic – Equine Laminitis. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 11 2012]
Company, H. M., 2004. The American Heritage Medical dictionary. s.l.:Houghton Mifflin company.
Constable, S., 2010. Simon Constable's Veterinary Practice - Equine Vets in the North West. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 11 2012].
Davis, Z., 2009. Introduction to Horse Nutrition. Chichester, U.K. ; Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.
Duncanson, G. R., 2010. Hoof conditions and problems. In: Veterinary treatment for working equines. s.l.:CABI Publishing, pp. 92-104.
Foster & Smith, 2010. Doctors Foster and Smith's Pharmacy. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 5 11 2012].
Frank N, D. A., 2006. Insulin Resistance in Horses. AAEP Proceedings, Volume 52, pp. 51-54.
Frank N., Geor, R., Bailey, S. & Johnson, A. D. a. P., 2010. Equine Metabolic Syndrome, Tennessee: Americna College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM).
Hamilton-Fletcher, R., 2004. Veterinary advice on Laminitis in Horses. s.l.:Ringpress Books Ltd.
Johnson, P. J., 2002. The Equine Metabolic Syndrome peripheral Cushing’s Syndrome. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice, Volume 18(2), pp.271-293. Europe Pubmed Central [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 11 2012]
K. Martinson, P., Hathaway, M., H. Jung, P. & C. Sheaffer, P., 2012. Hay Soaking: All washed up or a good management option?. [Online]
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Leland Thompson, B. D., 2011. The Merck Veterinary Manual - Anti-inflammatory agents - Corticosteroids. [Online]
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Ltd, W. E. C., 2012. Whitebarn Equine Clinic Ltd - Laminitis. [Online]
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Mosby, 2009. Mosby's Medical Dictionary. 8th ed. s.l.:Elsevier.
Pass, M., Pollitt, S. & Pollitt, C., 1998. Decreased glucose metabolism causes spearation of hoof lamellae in vitro: a trigger for laminitis?. Equine Veterinary Journal (supplement), Volume 6, pp. 133-138. Wiley Online Library [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 11 2012]
Pilliner, S. & Davis, Z., 2004. Equine Science. In: Equine Science. s.l.:Oxford:Blackwell pub.; Ames, Iowa: Iowa State Press, p. 278.
Pilliner, S. & Davis, Z., 2004. Equine Science. In: Equine Science. Oxford; Ames,Iowa; Carlton,Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 61-66.
Practice, S. C. E., 2009. Stable Close Equine Practice - Laminitis. [Online]
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Rendle, D., 2006. Equine Laminitis. 1. Management in the acute stage. In Practice, Volume 28, pp. 434-443. In Practice [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 11 2012]
Robert O.Gilbert, B. M. D. A. M., 2011. The Merck Veterinary Manual - retained foetal membranes in large animals. [Online]
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Tadros, E. M., Frank, N., Newkirk, K. M., Donnell, R. L., Horohov, D. W., 2012. Research paper: effects of a 'two hit' model of organ damage on the systematic inflammatory response and development of laminitis in horses. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, Volume 150, pp. 90-100. Science Direct [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 11 2012]
Wasserman, S. A., 2008. Hormones and the endocrine system. In: Biology. San Francisco: Pearson Education Ltd., pp. 982-983.
West, C., 2010. Guided Tour Horse Hoof Anatomy [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 11 2012]

Yki-Jarvinen, H. & Westerbacka, J., 2000. Vascular actions of insulin in obesity. International journal of obesity, Volume 24, pp. 25-28. Europe Pubmed Central [Online] Available at:;jsessionid=0m85FyYPkVGdMpCwIphA.4 [Accessed 7 11 2012]

The Phylogeny of Lemurs: The Problems and how these can be resolved.

This is a research focused article based on the research of A.T. McLain et al. in their paper 'A Alu-based Phylogeny of Lemurs (Infraorder Lemuriformes) The link can be found in the references at the end of the article.

The Phylogeny of Lemurs: The Problems and how these can be resolved.

“Don’t be alarmed, giant freaks! While you were asleep, we simply took you to our little corner of heaven. Welcome to Madagascar.” (Madagascar, 2005)
King Julian

Figure 1 A Ring-Tailed Lemur, Lemur catta, a 'real life' King Julian (Author's own, 2013)

King Julian, the loveable character from the family film, Madagascar, springs to mind whenever you mention Lemurs, to be more precise: the infraorder Lemuriformes. With his impressive black and white striped tail, he is in fact a Ring-Tailed Lemur, Lemur catta. Endemic to the island of Madagascar, this group is vastly diverse in both the way they look (phenotypically) and where they live (ecologically). There is strong genetic and morphological evidence that supports the theory that all living and extinct species of Lemur descended from a single common ancestor, known as monophyly, that colonised Madagascar between 50 and 60 million years ago, known as the early Miocene period. (Szalay & Delson, 1979) This ancestor may have come to inhabit the island of Madagascar by a rafting event in which it travelled across the Mozambique Channel from African mainland. (Switek, 2010) Following this event, Lemurs continued to diversify to inhabit a wide variety of niches found in Madagascar, possibly as a result of mutations in the genotype. (Flegr, 2009)

Division of the Infraorder

Currently there is approximately 101 species of Lemur (Mittermeier, et al., 2010) however this number differs between experts which can be split into five families. Since the 1980s there has been an increase in the number of new species discovered or raised from subspecies status with 41 new lemur species discovered from 2000-2010. The five families of Lemur are as follows: Cherogaleidae, Daubentoniidae, Indriidae, Lemuridae and Lepilemuridae.
Cherogaleidae consist of 31 species which can be categorised into 5 genera; Allocebus, Cheirogaleus, Microcebus, Mirza and Phaner and are known as the mouse, dwarf and fork-marked Lemurs. The aye aye is the only species in the family Daubentoniidae and belongs to the genus Daubentonia. Around 400mm in length, excluding the length of the large bushy tail they are unlike other strepsirrhine primates, a clade of wet-nosed species (Switek, 2010), as they lack a toothcomb and do not adopt the vertical clinging and leaping style of locomotion that is seen in other species of Lemur. (Myers, 2000) 19 species of the indris, sifakas and wooly Lemurs can be separated into 3 genera: Avahi, Indri and Propithecus and these collate to be the family Indriidae. The fourth family is that of the Lemuridae, which consists of 24 species in 5 genera, Eulemur, Hapalemur, Lemur, Prolemur and Varecia and contains the ring-tailed, brown, ruffled and bamboo lemurs. Finally, the family Lepilemuridae which is made up of 26 species all in one genus, Lepilemur, which was once placed within the family Lemuridae. Further to these 5 families are 17 known species of extinct lemurs that can be classified into 8 genera and three families, their extinction believed to be related to the arrival of humans on Madagascar about 2000 years ago.

Why the controversy?

Even though there is plenty of literature on the phylogeny of lemurs that agree on the monophyly of the infraorder and the grouping of lemurs next to the infraorder Lorisiformes as a sister taxa to all living primates, there is still a lot of controversy with the phylogeny of lemurs at all taxonomic levels. Moreover, it also granted that the family Daubentoniidae was the first to diverge from a shared common ancestor meaning it is a basal lineage. However the family Daubentoniidae is sometimes separated in its own infraorder, Chiromyiformes, due to a variation in phenotype and extreme divergence over time.
There is still hullabaloo over the relationships of the four remaining families and two alternative family-level phylogenies have surfaced, both still in agreement of the basal location of Daubentoniidae. A basal taxon is a group that diverged first in the history of the taxon. The first phylogeny placing Indriidae, Cheirogaleidae and Lepilemuridae together, all basal to Lemuridae. The second places Indriidae and Lemuridae together, next to Cherogaleidae and Lepilemuridae. Both these phylogenies are pivotal around the position of the family Indriidae and whether it is a basal lineage or is a more recent divergence.

How do we solve this conundrum?

There have already been many studies that have been carried out already such as karyotyping, mitochondrial DNA analysis and combinations of molecular and morphological analysis (just to name a few) to try and unravel this mystery. The technique discussed here was carriede out by (McLain, et al., 2012) has already been used previously in earlier studies examining Lemur phylogeny by combining it with other techniques such as mitochondrial markers. (Roos, et al., 2004) The method used involved Alu-elements which are a family of primate specific mobile elements and are a SINE of about 300 base pairs (bp) in length found in many primate genomes. Alu elements originate from 7SL RNA in a common ancestor of all living primates and can be classified into sub-families; AluJ being the oldest and can thus be found within the genomes of all living primates and the subfamily of AluL which has been assigned to elements found withing Lemuriformes. There are also younger subfamilies specific to other species of primate, some still presently active and some no longer producing subfamilies or new copies.

What is a SINE?

SINE is short for, Short Interspersed Elements, and they are a class of genetic elements, known as non-autonomous retrotransposons, that can use RNA intermediaries to copy and insert themselves anywhere in the host genome (amplify themselves).

What make SINEs ideal to use as genetic markers in the establishment of evolutionary relationships?

There are several reasons as to why SINEs are used as genetic markers, one being that they are nearly-homoplasy-free markers. This means that there is a very small amount, if any, elements of the DNA that arose independently through evolution. Where there is an absence of the element, this is known as the ancestral state and every new element that arises is a distinct evolutionary event in a lineage. This means that, any individuals sharing the same SINE at an orthologous locus (a gene along a length of chromosome that didn’t diverge from an ancestral locus) are thought to be of common ancestry. Secondly, a SINE is rarely deleted precisely once it has been inserted and finally, SINEs are fairly easy to assess using a locus specific PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assay.


So how do we use Alu-elements to determine the phylogeny of lemurs? The process used by (McLain et al,2012) can be divided into three stages: Computational Methodology, PCR and DNA Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis
Computational Methodology
In short, this is where the design of primers for the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) took place. They were designed using sequence from the Microcebus murinus (grey mouse lemur) genome, obtained from GenBank. Genomic sequence was also obtained for the following additional species: Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur), Eulemur macaco (black lemur), Eulemur coronatus (crowned lemur), Propithecus coquereli (Coquerel’s sifaka), Daubentonia madagascariensis (aye-aye) and Cheirogaleus medius (fat-tailed dwarf lemur). This is so they could later be compared to the genomic data of Microcebus murinus to differentiate whether certain Alu subfamilies were distinct to particular lemuriform lineages and so more effective location of subfamilies specific to a particular genera could take place. The sequences for the above species we searched for supposed lemur-specific Alu insertations based upon seven previously identified AluL concensus sequences using a programme called RepeatMasker. A concensus sequence is a way of representing the results of multiple sequence alignment where different sequences are compared to each other and it is the number of most frequent residues, whether they are nucleotides or amino acids found at each position along the alignment. (Pierce, 2002) For easier examination of the findings from RepeatMasker, in-house Practical Extraction and Report Language (Perl) was used to analyse the components parts and describe their syntactic roles, as it is optimised for data processing. Following this, elements that were identified in sections of the genome of Microcebus murinus as members of the AluL subfamily and were more than 280 base pairs in length were compared to four non-lemuriform primate genomes; human, chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque using the BLAST-like alignment tool (BLAT) which, to summarise, uses an index to identify regions in the genome which are likely to be homologous, performs an alignment between these regions, stitches together these aligned regions into genes and then finally revisits any small internal exons possibly missed and adjusts large gap boundaries. (Kent, 2002) Another software suite was then used to align sequences and identify the regions that were suitable for primer building and then the Primer3Plus program was used to design the oligonucleotide primers to be used for the PCR assay in the regions surrounding the element. Finally, the primers were tested using a computer using the insilico PCR tool on the UCSC Genome bioinformatics site against the available primate genomes.
PCR and DNA Sequencing
The process of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be split into three stages: i) Separation of the DNA strands (denaturation), ii) Annealing of the primers and iii) extension. The amplification of each locus was performed in 25 μl reactions each consisting of the following: 15 ng of DNA, 200 nM of each primer, 200μM of dNTPs (deoxynucleotriphosphates) in 50 mM of potassium chloride (KCl), 1.5 mM of magnesium chloride (MgCl2), 10mM of Tris-hydrogen chloride with a pH of 8.4 and 2 units of Taq polymerase. Taq polymerase is heat stable so it isn’t denatured along with the DNA during the initial stage.
Figure 2 Overview of the PCR process After: (Unknown, 2013)
The PCR reaction conditions
The initial denaturation of the DNA is carried out at 95°C for 1 minute and is then followed by another 32 cycles of denaturation at the same temperature. This proceeded by the annealing of the primers. The proper annealing temperature for the primers is determined by testing them along a temperature gradient of between 48°C and 65°C. Then finally, the samples undergo extension at 72°C for 30 seconds each and then for another minute.
Analysis of the PCR products
The products were then analysed using Gel Electrophoresis, a technique uses 2% agarose gels stained with 0.25 ug ethidium bromide and visualised with UV fluorescence. The agarose gels are submerged in a tank filled with salt solution that conducts electricity and using a pipette, the DNA samples are placed at the end. They are originally coloured but are stained to allow their movement to be tracked as they move.As the phosphate groups are negatively charged, once electrified, they will be attracted to the positive electrode of the tank. A photo of the gel can then be taken for further analysis later on. (Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, 2013) Products from the individual PCRs were then cloned and sequenced using chain termination sequencing (Figure 3). To determine whether the locus being examined was the same element across multiple species or whether it had arisen through a different means, the resulting sequence data was aligned and then examined.

Phylogenetic Analysis

Figure 3 Chain termination method for sequencing DNA (Urry, 2008)
The sequence data was inserted into a dollo parsimony matrix to construct a dollo parsimony phylogenetic tree (Figure 4). Dollo parsimony is a method based on the assumption that a particular compex character has been lost during the evolution of a lineage and that it cannot be regained. It is used when trying to work out the evolution of the genes of different lineages as multiple gains of the same gene are improbable. (Albert, 2007) If an Alu element was present in the PCR assay it was coded as ‘1’ for the given locus in the matrix and likewise, if it was absent, it was coded as ‘0’. Any loci of a given species that couldn’t be resolved were coded with a ‘?’. To test the statistical significance of each branch on the resulting tree, 10,000 bootstrap replicates and a statistical test for evaluating SINE insertations based on a likelihood model were performed. Bootstrapping is a method that derives the confidence levels for groups within the tree, in other words, how likely there position is in the tree. To then create a visualisation of the tree, the data was used in conjunction with a programme called FigTree.

What does the phylogenetic tree produced show?

The tree that was produced is shown below and every clade, bar two, were strongly supported by the maximum likelihood test and high levels of support from the bootstrap values, displayed as numbers above the branches of the tree. The structure of the tree supports the previous theory of the monophyly of the infraorder,because 10 shared insertations support this node (shown by the number under the arrow on the phylogenetic tree).The basal lineage of Daubentoniidae is further supported by six loci, which was anticipated based on earlier studies that placed the family basal to the other four families. The remaining four families can be divided into two clades, Lepilemuridae-Cheirogaleidae and an Indriidae-Lemuridae clade, supported by the cloning and sequencing of a single insertion locus in each (MmM97 and LI1) which confirmed that they are actually the same element.
Findings for the Lemuridae family
10 insertations provided support for the monophyly of the Lemuridae and following this, Lemur and Haplemur were supported by the position of 8 loci as a sister clade to Eulemur, with Varencia determined as a sister clade to all 3 generas (Lemur, Haplemur and Varencia). Three loci were recovered that were unique to Lemur catta (Ring-tailed lemur) supporting the convention that it is the sole species in the genus Lemur.
Figure 4 The most parsimonious tree generated from analysis of 138 Alu insertions in Lemuriformes
The genus Eulemur (Simons & Rumpler, 1988) was formed to classify the ‘true’ lemurs after they were removed from Lemur after Lemur catta was found to be the sole species of that genus. Strong support was found for the agreement of the macaco group (Eulemur macaco and Eulemur flavifrons) however further establishment of the relationships between the other members of the genus was
difficult, particularly within the closely related fulvus group, shown by polytomy in the tree. The difficulty in identifying species specific Alu elements could be due to the recent divergence times, about 8 million years ago. There has been debate over whether all the 12 Eulemur species currently recognised should be awarded full species status or should continue to be a sub-species. The nine taxa available for this study were classified as full species however, it was not possible to obtain lineage specific Alu elements to support this theory for each individual species.The relationship between the two species of the macaco group and the four species of the fulvus is confirmed by a total of six shared insertation loci which also excludes them from the other three Eulemur species tested.
Findings within the Cheirogalidae family
As shown by the phylogenetic tree, Cheirogaleus was found to be a basal lineage (supported by 19 loci) to the strongly supported sister-group relationship between Microcebus and Mirza, shown by the bootstrap values of 100.
Findings within the Indriidae Family
Now, the family at the root of the controversy. Altogether, 8 loci were recovered, 2 of which were taken from nuclear DNA sequence and were present in all four Indriidae species and of the other 6 loci, four were present in all Indriidae species also. Additionally to this, one locus was found to be specific the Avahi laniger (Eastern Wooly Lemur)


The results of the investigation provide support for the already existing morphological and genetic research about the relationships at the species levels within the infraorder Lemuriformes. They also resolve the problem of the unresolved relationships between the four families of Lemuridae, Indriidae, Cheirogaleidae and Lepilemuridae supported by a robust tree that shows the basal lineage of Daubentoniidae and the position of Indriidae in correspondance to the other families.

What does this mean for future work?

Further research would be required to fully determine the branching patterns of the fulvus group within Lemuridae and of the species of Indriidae as polytomy is still present in the phylogenetic tree, this could be determined with more work with Alu elements or by techniques mentioned previously in this article. However, it has been suggested from other studies that are consensus based approaches, like the work done by McLain et al, offer more support and resolution than those that are coalescent based approaches, which attempt to trace all the alleles of genes shared by all the members of a species to a single ancestral copy. (Ting & Sterner, 2012) In addition to this, consensus based approaches also have their weaknesses. This questions whether the previous work on primate phylogenetics are an accurate representation so therefore it is important to keep re-evaluating the primate molecular relationships using a combination of approaches. (Ting & Sterner, 2012)


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