Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Friday 7 August 2015

So many acronyms!

Howdy folks!

Here's just a quick update on what's been happening in the world of Chloe, and yes I still have a caffeine addiction which isn't gonna shift anytime soon...

We've got a house and are settling in nicely, I've started to get my routine back and am finding it easier to focus. I've taken up running, something I never thought would happen as I've always hated it but, I thought it was about time I got my butt into gear exercise wise.

Veterinary receptionist interview

On the job front, this week I had an interview for the veterinary receptionist job at the small animal practice, which I really hope I get as the position is so much more than just a standard receptionist. The interviewing administration manager mentioned that they would like to do a lot more outreach with schools and the local area to promote the practice, which I have experience in, gained through my work as a student ambassador, but also putting together the displays in the waiting room, which I will be in my absolute element doing! So much so that I've already got a good few ideas for, likewise with outreach ideas.

Which is why, if I get a second interview, I will be taking these ideas to the table, to show them that I have passion! Incidentally, the second interview is in front of the practice vets who are also board members who founded the practice some 35 years ago! The nurse also mentioned that they will teach me how to bring up a vein and such to prep animals during busy times, which of course I am more than happy to learn! 

I'm also hoping the fact that I'm studying for my SQP qualification is also a key selling point as, although I'm studying for the livestock and equine modules, there's the option to add the companion animal module, which would mean I would be able to prescribe wormers over the counter, without the need for a vet surgeon or nurse. Handy during busy periods!

SQP Studying

This has got me focussing on my SQP studying intensely, as I want to sit my exams at the start of September if possible, a mere 5 weeks away! They're not booked yet but, I want to book within the next week, after I've secured a farm to carry out my on farm investigation for the assignment that accompanies the farm animal module.

So anyone with livestock, holla at me and help a gal out! I can pay in  cookies and cake!

So with 5 1/2 hours worth of exams and a viva to prep for I'm going to be firing on all cylinders for the next few weeks! I mean, look at all these acronyms that were mentioned in just ONE section of ONE module! 

My plan is to nail the base module this weekend and then get cracking on the farm animal and equine ones! 

New crew member

With the partner in crime's family emigrating soon, we've adopted the family pet. Say hello to Sylar, the bearded dragon! Whose pastimes include skidding along the laminate flooring, climbing up shoe mountains and being a picky bastard when it comes to most things! But he is incredibly loveable for a scaly! Here he is on the top of a pair of my (probably stinky) boots! 

This has obviously prompted me to brush up on all things reptilian, as cold blooded critters have never been my expertise however, I have found it incredibly refreshing reading up on their ways and husbandry! 

I'm going to leave it there for tonight, to get some much needed R&R before tomorrow's weekly 5K park run and intense study sesh again! 

The vets are going to contact me Monday to let me know if they want me to come to 2nd interview so I'm keeping everything crossed it comes good! And hopefully this will be my chance to work in an environment that I love! 

Ciao for now! X

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