Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Wednesday 26 August 2015

She's only gone and done it!

After hours of scrolling job sites, countless applications, tweaks to the CV, calls to agencies, interviews and rejections, I've finally had a job offer! WAHOO!

The position is a medical laboratory assistant for the NHS at Gloucester Royal Hospital working in the pre-analytical area for the pathology laboratories. It's not the most technical position but hey, its a foot in the door working in one of the most prestigious services that the UK government has to offer, and a source of income vaguely relevant to my degree! Meaning I can pick some brains of people who work in the labs whilst on my lunch break

This time yesterday following the interview, I hadn't much hope. I'd met some of the candidates prior to going into the interview and I think that I psyched myself out a tad (never good) and I felt that I didn't answer the questions as well as I could have, so I wasn't too optimistic, so much so that this morning I started the job hunt yet again. But then came the call. I was overwhelmed as I genuinely thought that I'd right royally ballsed it up. Apparently not. My passion and potential must have shone through. The position is a 6 month contract which is perfect to build links but cover the quiet winter period for Target.

My next plan of action in life is this:
- Work the 6 month contract with the NHS and build contacts
- Schedule Target appointments around my shifts for September/October
- Sit my AMTRA SQP exams that are scheduled for the start of September (which I should be revising right now...)
- Work towards either my RTech or RSci accreditation through the Royal Society of Biology which ever is more appropriate the obtain through the role
- Continue to build Target from Spring and hopefully start the ball rolling with trying to secure a registered premises from which to sell the wormers
- If Postgraduate student finance is bought in next year, continue on to complete my MRes at Bristol University in association with the Vet School - focusing on Veterinary Parasitology.

So I'm not quite there yet but, life is a journey and I think to stand still would be pretty damned boring. A message to any recent graduate or anyone at their wits end applying for jobs and stuff, keep at it, something will come up if you want it that bad!

I haven't got a start date yet but I believe they're sorting out all the HR stuff first so stay tuned for the next episode I guess.

I'm off to prep some stuff for my talk I'm giving to Cotswold Vale Pony Club tomorrow on horse worms, do a bit of SQP studying and have a couple of glasses of wine in the process to celebrate.

To all those that continue to support me, again you know who you are, and I love you all <3

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