Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Green Gym #2

Today we continued work at the Allotment with Green Gym through the University of Gloucestershire. You may remember last time we began the clearing work but there was still a lot more to do!

Our task today was to set about moving the compost pile, well it was really just a pile of broken wood, plastic and crap really. Some things we 'discovered' in the 'compost pile' included 4 bags of grass liner, a jar of seeds, a potato and possibly the best one, an old radio that was so big one would be forgiven if they mistook it for a boombox!

We also came across some wildlife, plenty of creepycrawlies! Woodlice, spiders, millipedes, slugs, snails and even a little ladybird! Not forgetting a toad, a frog and a fieldmouse!

Pictures will follow later!

All in all, a productive day!

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