Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Saturday 31 May 2014


Sorry for the lack of activity over the last few months, it's been absolutely mental. I've been busy with assignments, exams, work, volunteer work and of course socialising!

This year my hard work really has paid off, achieving 1st's in all of my assignments and exams so far, so I'm pretty chuffed!

South Africa 2014

A couple of weeks ago after months of scrimping and saving I jetted off to South Africa for the field trip that is the highlight of my course. We spent 12 days on a Wildlife Reserve where we learnt about tracking, poaching and management techniques of the reserve. I was fortunate to get to see White Rhino, Giraffe, Zebra, many species of Antelope, Black Backed Jackal, Hyena, Warthog, Lions, Hippo and Elephants. It hit home quite hard that if poaching of white rhino continues at the level it is currently, my children will never see the wonder that is the White Rhino. It is sickening the lengths that poachers go to to obtain the horn, and the human race really is vile in this light. The passion of the staff at the reserve is inspirational and they live and breath the fight against the poachers. The reserve is also a functioning game reserve where the more abundant species of antelope are used as a food source and their hides sold to create an income. These animals are killed humanely so no suffering takes place. For educational purposes we were lucky enough to be able to perform a dissection on a male blesbok where we were looking for internal parasites. The blesbok turned out to be very healthy parasite wise, with no intestinal parasites present. Watching the sunrise from a hot air balloon was also a huge highlight with the ground so flat for miles!  We each had to undertake an individual project in small groups whilst we were out there, and I was investigating the internal parasite burdens of the different species on the reserve. So lots of poo! But I must say I am never going to take a microscope for granted ever again! At one point I was using a head torch to light the microscope slide. Cue very bad back ache and the need for a massage! So I am currently in the process of writing that report out! So you may be lucky and I might post it on here at some point! In the future I hope to definitely return! I met many inspirational people and got to know my peers a lot more! South Africa, you haven't seen the last of me!
Sunset at the reserve

Sunset again

Patrol, the main breeding male White Rhino

Elephant at Pilanesburg National Park

Burchell's Zebra at Pilanesbury National Park

Blimey it's a JAFI! (Just another frickin' Impala)

2 male giraffes squaring up for a fight

The fight commenses

'Whatcha looking at huh?'

Patrol again with his ladies

Target Worm Counts

You may remember me posting about my internship with the company Target Worm Counts. Well things have gotten very exciting. I have been asked to take over the running of the company, which I have said yes! This is going to be an interesting challenge as well, it's all going to be a new experience. I want to bring enthusiasm to the company to be able to increase the number of clients and educate horse owners about the issue of resistance to de wormers. I will be attending a number of business workshops to give me more skills to build the business further. My plan is to continue working at Twycross Zoo over the summer break and then 'freelance' two days a week, visiting current clients in Gloucestershire and the usual slots at local tack and feed shops! Cue the mission to get a car which, I am glad to announce has gone successfully and I am now a proud owner of a Ford KA, only 20 months after passing my test! Official handover is next week 
so keep your eyes peeled on Facebook and Twitter and when I can I'll post a cheeky blog entry! Follow Target on twitter at: @Targetwormcount 

Whilst these exciting business ventures are going on over the summer, I am also striving to complete most of my dissertation data collection which will be looking into the distribution of nematode egg counts in horses, so yay more poop! So if any of you are horse owners and don't mind me analysing your horse's poop, give me a shout! It'll mean you get a free egg count! So I'm currently wading through the scientific literature to nail my methods!

Skomer Island
Finally, next Saturday, as if I'm not busy enough, I'm heading over to Skomer Island off the coast of Wales for a week as a research assistant. I will be collecting beetles whilst I'm over there for an investigation into the species of burying beetles that are present on the island. I will also be assisting with the census on the island's Manx Shearwater population. So it's all go go go! Carrying a weeks worth of clothing, kit and food on a train with 2 changes is certainly going to be an experience!

Blimey, I've whittled on a tad there, but oh well! I will try to get plenty of photos from Skomer and try and keep you up to date with Target and stuff! But that's it for now!

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