Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Green Gym #2

Today we continued work at the Allotment with Green Gym through the University of Gloucestershire. You may remember last time we began the clearing work but there was still a lot more to do!

Our task today was to set about moving the compost pile, well it was really just a pile of broken wood, plastic and crap really. Some things we 'discovered' in the 'compost pile' included 4 bags of grass liner, a jar of seeds, a potato and possibly the best one, an old radio that was so big one would be forgiven if they mistook it for a boombox!

We also came across some wildlife, plenty of creepycrawlies! Woodlice, spiders, millipedes, slugs, snails and even a little ladybird! Not forgetting a toad, a frog and a fieldmouse!

Pictures will follow later!

All in all, a productive day!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

A tribute

You may remember a few weeks ago I posted about my mums horse, Rosie, who had been diagnosed with Cushings Disease.
Unfortunately on Friday 1st November 2013, Rosie was put to sleep.
The decision was made as it was a question of quality of life. Going into the winter she had already dropped weight and the medication hadn't had any effect and due to her laminitis, when out to graze she had to wear a grazing muzzle.

It wasn't an easy decision but she was graceful, as always, all the way to the end.

Rosie is the inspiration for why I wanted to become and equine veterinary surgeon. Through her I learnt all I know about horses, horse husbandry skills and how to ride. She will be greatly missed by all and will never be forgotten.

R.I.P. old girl, go and gallop in the great big field in the sky <3

It's not going to be easy to become a vet, money is going to be a big hurdle to overcome, as the government don't fund 2nd degrees. But I'm determined. There is always a way.

'You are the only one that can limit your own success'

Meerkat Ethogram

Here is the ethogram I produced for the studying of Meerkats. Because we had a reduced time scale to produce it, it isn't in as much detail as it could be.

So when recording behaviour for example, you could monitor the animals for a set time frame and then at certain intervals record all behaviour that occurs in 1 minute.


Cotswold Wildlife Park
Animal Observed: Meerkats
Lumped State
Initial Encoding
Standing up on hind legs

Looking (L-R)
Movement of head looking left and right

Looking (U-D)
Movement of head looking up and down

Cocking of head
Tilting of head to the left and right

Sitting down on hind legs and tail (legs not extended)

Pulls self-forwards with front legs and hind legs collect together

Move as a pack to check where a possible previous threat/object of interest was
Eating food straight from the floor

Sniffing of the ground

Using front paws to move dirt
Mock aggression, bearing of teeth, jumping on each other

Running after each other

Parental reprimand
Parent reprimands child by putting paw on top of the child’s head and pushes down
Move into indoor enclosure/burrows
Cleaning of anogenital area

Cleaning of ear with hindfoot/front paws
Low frequency rumble, associated with play

Warning Squeak
High frequency yip, associated with retreat when threatened

Note. AL = Alert; LOCO = Locomotion; FOR = Foraging; SOC = Social interactions; HIDE = Hiding; CLEAN = Cleaning; NOISE = Noise.