Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Evening Seminar - Equine

After a super busy first day at work, it had completely slipped my mind that I'd agreed to attend an evening seminar from a visiting Vet over at the University. So I braved the horrendous weather and headed over to the campus.

The talk was given by Dr John Kohnke, visiting from Oz to exhibit at HOYS in Birmingham, and was witty and engaging, covering a vast variety of topics including:

  • Injury prevention in Riding Club horses including pre- and post-ride checks, recognition of early signs of lameness and physical stress, steps to reduce risk of lower limb, tendon and joint injuries to counteract 'wear and tear'
  • Lower back injuries in Riding Club horses including, lower back strain, kissing spines, sacroiliac ligament sprain and sacroiliac joint and hock arthritic changes in dressage horses
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Equine metabolic syndrome
  • Fear, anxiety and hesitation
Although, there were quite a few shameless plugs at his own brand of equine nutritional supplements, which highlight perhaps the reason why he was so willing to provide the talk free of charge, it was a thoroughly enjoyable seminar and incredibly in depth. Clearly a man who has devoted the majority of his life to the well-being and health of horses. 

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