Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Tuesday 30 August 2016

2016 Re-cap and a few life lessons it's been a while...again.

2016 so far has been a year of ups and downs and a LOT of life lessons. Probably the most stressful year to date, and it's not over yet!

This has been a year of realisation.

That I want to put more time into my business to really try and get it to take off and really focus on my career as Parasitologist and Epidemiologist. That's why I took the decision in April to reduce my hours at the hospital lab to allow me to devote more time to Target Worm Counts.

Running a business single handed is bloody lonely and it is so easy to get inside your own head too much, well that's probably the understatement of the century, as normally you are the only person you can bounce ideas off. I am so incredibly fortunate that the ladies of Stroud Saddlery have taken me under their wing and are happy for me to bounce ideas with them. Working alongside each other organising promotional days and events.

Premises Registration with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate

Devoting more time to Target Worm Counts has allowed me to achieve a number of pretty big things including obtaining premises registration with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) to allow me to supply POM-VPS medicines. This is a big deal as it now allows me to provide the treatment options if necessary on the basis of the worm egg count results. To my knowledge, there is only one other company in the UK that offers this service in the postal format. Therefore my delivery through Target Worm Counts is completely new and innovative (go me!).

This is to allow me to move towards a more sustainable business model, one which is less seasonal. And I'm pleased to say that in the past few weeks I have been making sales every day. It's not hundreds of pounds a day but, it's something daily and I'm happy with that. It's still in its 12 month trial period, however I am hoping that if I can get a model that works, I may be able to expand further.

I am also working on another couple of leads, to hopefully branch out into other species. I am currently studying for my AMTRA Companion Animal SQP Upgrade exam, which I will sit at the end of October. I am also reaching out to local equine veterinary practices, as a local facility in which they can get their client's horse's samples analysed quickly and hassle free.

To anyone who is interested in working in the Animal Health Industry, I would strongly urge you to look into the AMTRA SQP qualification, as it has the potential to widen your opportunities as you will gain knowledge around the legislation regarding some Animal Medicines but also will allow you to supply within a registered premises.

If you have any questions on what it entails, or if you are currently and SQP looking to get a premises registered, then please drop me a comment and I'll get in touch.


I was also fortunate enough to take part in the pilot week of the EU Erasmus SCIENT Scheme. This scheme is aimed at people who are either studying for, or have already obtained a PhD in a STEM subject but wish to start a business. Which is a brilliant idea! Take person with a STEM mind and they already have many, if not all, the qualities of an entrepreneur.

But boy was it a busy week. I didn't find about the training until last minute but, with it being free AND being held in Gloucester, it was too much of an opportunity to pass me by. With the short notice, I couldn't get time off from the hospital (understandably) so had to fit in where I could. Overall, the experience was invaluable. As I don't have a business background having never taken an interest, stripping everything right back to basics was incredibly beneficial. Having read briefly about the Lean Start-up Method, the week gave us the framework to be able to apply the method to business planning. And I must say, it is SOOOO much better than writing a traditional business plan. We also learnt about the Board of Innovation, another nifty tool for business planning.

You can download templates here to use

I met some AMAZING people during the week, all with fabulous ideas which, if they stick with, will go far!
Participants of the SCIENT Scheme Pilot Week 2016. Image Courtesy of @emhaines via Twitter

Equally, if you're thinking about starting a business but have no business background. I am happy to share my personal experience of some of the challenges I have faced. No two businesses and start-up experiences are the same but, I'd love to help!

Masters By Research

This is something that I've wanted to go onto since finishing my Undergraduate Degree however, I'm glad I took a year out. I mean, the introduction of Postgraduate Loans was one of the deciding factors in holding off for a year, but it also means that I am so much more certain that it is what I want to do.

I have accepted an Unconditional Offer from the University of Gloucestershire to undertaking my Masters By Research in Biological Sciences. I hope to continue my work into Epidemiological risk factors for increased Strongyle infection in horses.

I have also been trying to reach out to a number of researchers in the field in an attempt to gain more expertise. However, I'm sad to say, that I have received very few (okay 1) return email. I will keep trying but I am hoping that its not the case of 'You're not my student, therefore I don't have the time for you'.

Current Research Papers

As I type, I am currently aware that I should be working on my paper as opposed to writing this blog post. I am working on polishing my Undergraduate Dissertation Thesis in preparation for submission for peer-review. I have increased my dataset over the past year and although, it does not reflect my original findings (due to a small sample size), I still feel I have something new to contribute to the field.

The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself

Now for something very uncharacteristic from me...

Although I am yet to experience a complete burn-out, I have been incredibly close to one this year. Working nearly 70+ hours a week consistently has been an uphill struggle. As someone who is incredibly motivated, a perfectionist and gives everything their all, I have failed to leave time for someone important. Me.'s beginning to show.

I am currently out in Nairobi, Kenya visiting family, which I am so grateful to have the opportunity to do. This break away has given me the thinking time I needed. To clear my head so I'm ready to hit the ground running on my return to the UK. It has also made me realise that I should make time to exercise, be it Yoga or something more strenuous, but something for me.

I need to take more care of myself, eat right, drink plenty of water and not just survive throughout the day on one meal, with the day punctuated with copious amounts of coffee.

Also, to treat myself once in a while. This year I've worked so much that I've barely had a day off to do what I want to do. If I want to buy that candle, I should buy that candle. If I want to get my nails done, I should get my nails done.


All that being said, I still incredibly grateful to have such a great support network around me and I am forever indebted to you all. I have met some truly amazing people over the past year and they continue to inspire me.