Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015

Winner: Green Award for Sustainability 2015
May 2015: Target Worm Counts, the Winner of the Green Award for Sustainability 2015, joined by Gracie

Tuesday 16 June 2015

I'm back!

Well, I didn't realise a year had passed since my last post! Blimey! Well I'm still in the land of the living a busier than ever. Here's a quick low down on the past year:
1. Last summer I thought it would be a grand idea to work 3 jobs at the same time. I've never known exhaustion like it! 

2. Target had been coming on leaps and bounds, with client numbers constantly increasing, exciting research and development plans and we won an award for sustainability! We've been building links with external labs which is also great! So watch this space!
We have a new website so feel free to check it out!

3. I got a 1st in my dissertation! Which I'm incredibly proud of! :D and I'm working on getting it published

4. I finished my degree! I'm waiting to hear the results of my exams so I won't know my overall classification until then

5. I had a job interview at a diagnostic lab, coming a close second. Not too shabby seeing as it was my first 'proper' interview

6. I'm relocating to Newport for a couple of months over the summer so I can save some money but I'm still going to be running Target and taking on interns but then in September it's back to merry old Gloucestershire! 

7. Finally, I hope to begin my Masters in research from October, I need to sort my proposal and raise the money to pay for it but I'm determined! 

I'm now pursuing a career in equine parasitology diagnostics and research so not quite a full veterinary surgeon, still hoping to be in the veterinary field! Who knows, I could obtain my PhD from a veterinary school in the future! 

Phew! That should cover everything, for now! 

I want to thank my wonderful family, friends and better half, Ev, for their continued support and care, I couldn't do it without you all.